
Continuous Growth of Northern Timber Management

Northern Timber Management started in 2001 as a holding company focused on the logging and forestry sectors. As their bread and butter, Northern Timber’s core leadership holds years of experience within the industry, allowing for opportunities such as a partnership with Peace Country Ventures and expansion across northern Alberta. Our company’s focus on logging and forestry provided a natural progression into biomass and transportation services.

Our Team

Andrew Peters

Owner | Marketing & Sales

Our Divisions


Pineridge Chippers

Beginning operations in 1985, PineRidge Chippers is Northern Timber Management’s most senior company, providing cut-to-length logging in the Manning and Peace River regions.

Cleardale Logging

Starting in 2001, Cleardale Logging expanded Northern Timber’s service area into the Cleardale and Worsley regions with cut-to-length logging.

Peace Country Ventures

In becoming partners, and with Northern Timber eventually taking over its operations, Peace Country Ventures has grown the company’s cut-to-length logging operations in the Peace River area.

Reinder’s Logging

Logging operations in Manning saw growth thanks to Northern Timber’s cut-to-length services with the takeover of Reinder’s Logging in 2014.

Athabasca County Logging

Joining Northern Timber in 2022 as part of a specialty project, Athabasca County Logging provides biomass and reclamation services in the Athabasca region.


Mighty Peace Ventures

Providing transport specifically for Cleardale Logging, Mighty Peace Ventures handles all log profiling and cut-to-length log hauling.

PineRidge Transport

For our company’s operating in the Peace region, PineRidge Transport provides biomass and chip deliveries in addition to log hauling.

Nor-West Bulk Lines

Coming from the La Crete area, Nor-West transports Canada-wide, focusing on grain and fertilizer for the agriculture industry in addition to fuel deliveries. 

Interested in the services our companies have to offer? Contact us today.